To set up your BlackBerry Internet Service or BlackBerry mail and messaging account, complete one of the following procedures:
  • Create the BlackBerry Internet, BlackBerry mail and messaging, or BlackBerry Mail account from your BlackBerry smartphone
  • Create the BlackBerry Internet, BlackBerry mail and messaging, or BlackBerry Mail account from your computer

To set up your  BlackBerry Internet Service, BlackBerry mail and messaging, or BlackBerry Mail account from your BlackBerry smartphone
You can set up your account from your BlackBerry smartphone or from your computer.
Note (new BlackBerry Internet Service users only): New BlackBerry Internet Service, BlackBerry mail and messaging, and BlackBerry Mail subscribers can create their accounts on their BlackBerry smartphones without having to create a login user name and password to access their accounts. For more information on Automatic Login, see KB13955.
To set up your BlackBerry Interent Service or BlackBerry mail and messaging account from your BlackBerry smartphone
  1. Verify your BlackBerry smartphone is connected to the wireless network. For information about network status indicators, see KB02334.
  2. Click E-mail Settings.
  3. Read the Legal Terms and Conditions carefully.
    • Select Yes, indicating you have read and understood the Legal Terms and Conditions.
    • Click I Agree, to be bound by the Legal Terms and Conditions to continue with the setup process.
    Note: The BlackBerry Internet Service, BlackBerry mail and messaging, or BlackBerry Mail account is now configured.
  4. Complete the appropriate steps to begin sending and receiving email messages.
    • Add an existing personal or work email address
    • Create a BlackBerry email address
Add an existing personal or work email address
  1. On the Email Account Setup screen, enter your existing personal or work email address and password. Click Next.
  2. You will receive a successfully configured access to your email account message. Click OK. The Services - Email Account screen appears.
  3. The Services - Email Account screen provides an overview of the following:
    • Integrated email addresses
    • Add An Email Account option - allows the subscriber to integrate third-party email accounts
    • Services and Settings - designed to allow subscribers to manage their BlackBerry Internet Service accounts, including sending service books and changing the language
    • Help - provides online help
    • End User Agreement
Create a BlackBerry email address
  1. On the Create a BlackBerry Email Address screen, enter a user name, password and confirm password, secret question and secret answer.
  2. Click OK.
  3. You will receive a successfully configured access to your email account message. Click OK. The Services - Email Account screen appears.
  4. From the Service - Email Account screen, you may edit or delete each email addresses, integrate another email account or go to the Service and Settings screen.

To set up your BlackBerry Internet Service, BlackBerry mail and messaging, or BlackBerry Mail account from your computer
Note: New subscribers who create their BlackBerry Internet Service, BlackBerry mail and messaging, or BlackBerry Mail accounts from the computer and create a login user name and password to access their BlackBerry Internet Service account will turn off the Automatic login feature. For more information on Automatic Login, see KB13955.
  1. Perform a Register Now operation on the BlackBerry smartphone. For instructions, see KB00510.
  2. Navigate to your wireless service provider's BlackBerry Internet Service account page.
    Note: To find your service provider's BlackBerry Internet Service web site, go to the Support section on the BlackBerry web site ( and click the link for your service provider in theAccessing the BlackBerry Internet Service Website section.
  3. Click Create New Account.
  4. Read the BlackBerry Internet Service End User Agreement, and place a check mark in the box labeled I have read and understand the Legal Terms and Conditions. Click I Agree.
  5. Type the personal information number (PIN) and International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) or electronic serial number (ESN) for your BlackBerry smartphone, and click Continue.
    Note: For instructions on how to locate the PIN, IMEI or ESN on your BlackBerry smartphone, see KB05026.
  6. Type a user name and password, and click Next.
  7. If the user name chosen has already been taken by another BlackBerry Internet Service subscriber, you must choose a different user name. Suggestions for user names that have not yet been taken will be provided. Once you have chosen an alternative, click Next.
  8. Your BlackBerry Internet Service account is now set up. You may begin adding email accounts or create a BlackBerry email address.